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Government of Western Australia Whiteman Park
urgentFire season closures may apply: find out what attractions are affected for each fire danger rating here.
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Opening Hours

Open every day**
8.30am to 6.00pm

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Between the Village and Mussel Pool
Location '16' on the Park Map

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Entry Fees


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(08) 9209 6000

**NOTE - The Children’s Forest is closed on days when Total Fire Bans, shire Movement bans and Catastrophic Fire Danger Ratings for the Swan sub area of the Swan Inland North fire district - these closures are provided in the stories of our Facebook and Instagram pages wherever possible.

The Children’s Forest is a community forest to which youngsters of all ages can connect with nature.

It is a place where children can learn about the importance and beauty of Western Australia’s native bushland and where they can come and watch ‘their’ forest grow and flourish as they do.

Entry to the Children’s Forest is free and children, together with their friends and family, are encouraged to explore, enjoy and discover the many wonders of the Forest, including giant marching ants, colourful birds, peeking possums, a life size wedge-tailed eagle’s nest made of steel and the Forest’s ‘guardians’, the Boy of the Bush and his sister Fern.


Children's Forest - outside Stage 1

We've created a range of activity sheets to help you explore the wonders of the Children's Forest!

From spotting the flora (plants and flowers) and fauna (animals) of the forest, to finding the many hidden artworks, or learning a bit more about our native bushland, these activity sheets will take you through all eighteen stages of the Children's Forest!

Download an activity sheet and start exploring!

Exploring the Children's Forest with an Eye Spy spotto sheet


Exploring and learning about the Children's Forest


from little things...

Children's Forest - mum and son planting

The growth of the Forest

The Children’s Forest grew out of the desire of a number of new parents associated with (then) Men of the Trees to give their children a living link with the earth. The idea evolved to the point where families were invited to contribute to the planting of a forest in which all children could share, with the first stage planted in 2001.

With each passing year, the Forest grew as more and more children become Children’s Forest members, and as each new stage is planted with native seedlings. Members are encouraged to look for their tiles in the three huts along the Children's Forest path, connecting the Village to Mussel Pool.

Now complete, the Forest has 18 stages of growth, with the last stage planted in 2018.

Each time you visit you will see how the bushland grows and ebbs.

our wildlife

Want to learn more about the amazing flora and fauna found at Whiteman Park?

Find out about our fauna

Learn about our flora

(Left) A quenda or Southern brown bandicoot (Bettongia penicillata), image courtesy of Houndstooth Studio; (Right) the blush form of the firewood banksia (Banksia menziesii) in the Children's Forest.