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Government of Western Australia Whiteman Park
urgentFire season closures may apply: find out what attractions are affected for each fire danger rating here.
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Opening Hours

Friday night tours
operate September to May

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Building ‘13’ on Park Map

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Entry Fees

Tours: Adults $20.00, Children $15.00,
Family (2A+2C) $60.00

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(08) 9209 6000

Woodland Reserve is Whiteman Park’s premier conservation program that is providing a world class breeding facility for rare and endangered fauna of the state.

It encompasses over 200 hectares of natural and rehabilitated woodlands and is one of the few refuges of the critically endangered woylie. You are invited to explore some of this native bushland on our guided Friday night ‘Nocturnal Woylie Walk’ tours.

Within the specially designed, electrified predator-proof facility, the critically endangered woylie (Bettongia penicillata), quenda (Isoodon obesulus) and short-beaked echidna (Tachyglossus aculeatus) reside, along with numerous species of lizards, owls, micro bats, snakes, falcons, skinks, eagles, hawks, honeyeaters, ducks, insects and more.

Woodland Reserve is only accessible on a guided tour, so secure your place on our next Nocturnal Woylie Walk. Visitors to the Reserve will get a chance to see some of these native animals, as well as encountering the heathlands, melaleuca damplands and banksia woodlands of the Reserve – all of which are important habitats for the fauna of the Swan Coastal Plain.

guided tours

Fauna Woodland Reserve WP woylie and quenda courtesy of Houndstooth Studio

Nocturnal Woylie Walk

Our Nocturnal Woylie Walks offer a fantastic opportunity for you to see our night-loving native fauna in their natural habitat, and all so close to Perth! Explore the reserve by torchlight, led by one of our knowledgeable volunteer guides.

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Want to know more about Woodland Reserve?

For more information about the Reserve, see the Woodland Reserve page in Conservation.

Learn more about the reserve

Nocturnal Woylie Walk - family and woylie
Fauna - Woylie - Woodland Reserve - woylie and quenda - photo by Houndstooth Studio
Tours Woodland Reserve WP tour group at lake WEB