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Government of Western Australia Whiteman Park
urgentFire season closures may apply: find out what attractions are affected for each fire danger rating here.

Total Fire Bans, shire Movement bans and Whiteman Park's own operational restrictions affect the availability of some attractions during the Bush Fire Season (November - April) each year, scaling down some activities in response to an increasing fire danger.

The following table provides an indication of what closures to expect for affected attractions and facilities.

Download Operational Restrictions table

Please note: Whiteman Park is located within the Swan Coastal North district and utilises the Swan sub-area index. For this reason, the rating publicised on the Bureau of Meteorology website may differ from the rating utilised by Park management.

The two state-regulated restrictions that impact operations at Whiteman Park are:

It is a good idea for all Western Australians to familiarise themselves with what you can and can not do during these bans, as serious fines and legal implications apply for breaching them.

TFB restrictions HVMB restrictions