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Government of Western Australia Whiteman Park
urgentFire season closures may apply: find out what attractions are affected for each fire danger rating here.
$6.00 per child
60 minutes
Monday to Friday
Download program outline
Year Levels:
  • Year 2
WA Curriculum Links:
  • HASS: History: ACHASSK046

From cart to car rides, see the transformations in transport!

Join your guide from the year 1900 and go on a journey to explore the differences between ‘then’ and now, the past and present, horse carts and cars. This hands-on learning activity allows your students to examine real car parts from today and assist in harnessing a horse and cart from 1900. What comparisons will they make?

In this program, your Year 2 students will:
✔ Explore how transport technology and travel of the pass differs from what is used today.
✔ Compare and contrast modes of transport from the past and present.
✔ Have hands-on learning experience with real museum objects.

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Program outline Teacher Resources preview (3MB)