- Year 3
- Mathematics: ACMMG061
- Science: ACSSU044
- Sustainability: OI.2, OI.3, O1.4, O1.5, O1.6, OI.7, O1.8, OI.9
How many gumnuts does a bobtail weigh?
Your class will explore these and other important questions as they become 'environmental officers' in Woodland Reserve, Whiteman Park's conservation and endangered animal breeding facility! Using their measuring and weighing skills, your students will see how we use maths at Whiteman Park to look after our quenda and critically endangered woylie populations.
In this program, your Year 3 students will:
✔ Practise measuring in centimetres and weighing in grams.
✔ Apply practical maths skills in an outdoor setting.
✔ Learn about some local native animals.
✔ Understand how and why rangers look after our animals and bushland.
This program is delivered outdoors in Whiteman Park's fauna conservation breeding facility, Woodland Reserve.
Teacher comments
"Great content, just enough and very well pitched to year three students. They could all take away something from the activity." (April 2024)
"Students thoroughly enjoyed preparing food for the animals." (August 2021)