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Government of Western Australia Whiteman Park
urgentFire season closures may apply: find out what attractions are affected for each fire danger rating here.
$15.00 per student
4.5 hours
Wednesday 23 October
Group Size:
Min. 15 students per class
Year Levels:
  • Year 4
  • Year 5
  • Year 6
WA Curriculum Links:
  • Sustainability: OI.2, OI.3, O1.4, O1.5, O1.6, OI.7, O1.8, OI.9, OI.1
  • Geography: ACHASSK090, ACHASSK112
  • Science: ACSHE098, ACSHE062

Imagine building an aquifer out of icecream and then eating the result!

This is just one of the fun-filled and engaging activities that students can participate in at the annual Children’s GnangaraGroundwater Festival at Whiteman Park.

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